Saturday, December 20, 2014

I am back in Kathmandu

I am back in Kathmandu. :)


It was clear blue skies the first few days. The weather suddenly turned on the day we were supposed to reach ABC and started snowing. We could not see anything while we were at ABC. The snow keeps getting heavier.

The next day, we came down the valley while it was still snowing. The snow was already knee deep and covered everything so we cannot see the way. There was also risk of avalanche. Luckily, my guide is a very experienced mountain guide. He led a group of 8 of us safely down the valley through a detour. :)

The valley continued to snow heavily for another two days after we came out of it. The heavy snowing also covered the surrounding mountains in snow. When the sky cleared, it was sooooo beautiful!!!!! Mesmerising and majestic! 真是塞翁失马焉知非福。

Mountains always can teach us valuable lessons. Never take things for granted. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. Maybe this is not my time. I will come back for ABC to see the mountains again.

I prayed to the mountain gods and wished
- good health to my family and friends
- my swollen finger to quickly recover from the fall incident in August
- let me get the ballot for UTMB

I am flying back to Singapore tomorrow. :)

I played in the snow at ABC and fell while running and zek dio kah. Bochup and continued playing and fell and zek again. The next day walk and walk until it recovered. : p

And my oakley as been burnt onto my face. : p

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