Friday, May 23, 2008

23rd May 2008

We made school history during year 1 when we were the first class to comprise of only guys. Besides this, there was once when the whole class skipped our GP class. From then on, we were known for our notoriousness. Hahahahaha .....

Came year 2, new classmates joined, including some girls. Yet, we were still infamous for being the little rebels that we were.

Today, some got married. Nobody changed much. Each of us are successful in our own ways.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

20th May 2008




作词: 罗大佑 张大春 许乃胜 李寿全 邱复生 张艾嘉 詹宏志

其余合唱人员一览表: (依笔划序)

小松 小柏 王日升 王芷蕾 王梦麟 文章 水草三重唱 包伟铭
成凤 江惠 江音杰 百合二重唱 李佩菁 李碧华 李宗盛 李建复
余天 何春兰芊苓 巫启贤 吴大卫 林禹胜 林淑蓉 林慧萍 娃娃
洪荣宏 邰肇玫 施孝荣 岳雷 唐晓诗 徐乃麟 徐玮 姚乙
麦玮婷 许慧慧 陈淑桦 陈黎钟 黄慧文 黄莺莺 张清芳 张海汉
童安格 费玉清 杨林 杨烈 杨耀东 甄妮 齐秦 齐豫 廖小维
潘越云 郑怡 赖佩霞 钟有道 蔡琴 蓝心湄 罗吉镇 苏芮



Saturday, May 10, 2008

2nd Ultimate DragonTug Showdown 2008

Group photo

The new singlet design

The arena


In the thick of action

Our men's light weight team

You have to be weight conscious too

All ready

Mixed team

Survivors of a capsize

hmmm .. so secretive eh ..

Some went on to play games while waiting for the next race ..

Some were more skillful thou ..

The let-me-show-you-how-to-do-it look

The grouping

Strategising ..

Warming up for the next race

Lets have a massage first

Group photo